Aylen Benitez
Name: Aylen Benitez
Nick Name: Aylu / Ak
Country: Argentina
Current Location: Barcelona, Spain
Loving to skate since: 2019
Riding for Chaya/PS since:
06/2020 my first one pair of Chaya , was a Barby patín pinck
Current Skate Setup (boot, plate, wheels, bearings):
BARBY PATÍN , if I don’t have Chaya , I make a DIY skates
Why do you love to skate :
I can feel the freedom on all my body and mind , and the people always is good meeting new skaters.
What keeps you pushing forward in skating? .
The sensations when you do a big trick or one that you didn't think you could, that sensation pushes me forward. Besides knowing new places to skate, I love to travel.
What was your greatest success?
Seeing a girl for the first time in a skatepark, talking to her, skating with her, helping her in her first steps. And that after some time they thank me for having approached me and that they continue kicking in part thanks to that!
What is your favorite competition?
Skate love , Nantes
What is your favorite move/trick :
Sliders ,50/50 , airs .
What advice would you like to give?
Look for support when we are not in the mood to skate, go down to your local skatepark and skate even if you don't want to, after 10 minutes your brain is doing nice things for you!
Any hobbies outside of skating?
I love hiking in the mountains or riding a bike.
What is your favorite moment in skating?
When I learn new things.
Tell us about your personal philosophy, phrase, ethic, and/or value as a skater! Yes you can write a book…?
I believe that in life you have to give the best you can, and time, people, your skates will give it back to you at the least expected moment.