Barbara Luciana
Chaya Park Pro Team
Name: Barbara Luciana
Nickname: Barbiepatin
Country: Argentina
Current location: Buenos Aires
Loving to skate since: 1998
Riding for Chaya/PS since: 2016
Current skate set up: My pro skate Barbiepatin’s with XTNDR trucks small size and Chaya Firebolt wheels. I am also skating with Karma Pros.
Why do you love to skate: I love skate because it helped me to know myself, when I met my interior I was able to enjoy my environment and the people that were appearing in my life in my trips, in this way we enjoy together from different cultures and the passion on wheels.
What keeps you pushing forward in skating? I keep skating because I feel the motivation for my improvement.
What was your greatest success? My greatest success is living from skating.
What is your favorite place to skate? Any place where I am with my skates and good people with good vibes.
What is your favorite trick? I love all tricks but I enjoy a lot my cartwheel without hands
What advice would you like to give? Don't give up.
Any hobbies? I love thinking about design and different types of clothes for roller skating that’s is the reason why I started to design roller skate clothing.
What is your favorite moment of skating? When I feel totally free to express myself and emotions through tricks and when I can flow without thinking. I am Barbie patin I am skating from 5 years old I am 27 years old. I dedicate my life to skate and I feel very proud about it, if I can give advice to somebody it will be, never stop doing what you love it will be difficult sometimes but I can ensure that it will be the right way in your life. Trust in your instinct.