Marie Dupuy
Powerslide Racing Pro Team
Name: DUPUY Marie
Country: FRANCE
Current Location: PIBRAC
Loving to skate since: the age of 6
Riding for Powerslide since: the season 2022
Current Skate Setup: Frame : 3X 4.110, Code White F0 for the track and G13 f1 for the road.
Favorite skate: Mc Cargo
Favorite frames: 3X4
Favorite wheels: G13 propel F2
Favorite bearings: Wicked Record Ceramic bearing : 5 balls bearing are amazing
Why do you love to skate? The sensation of speed it gives me, the feeling of freedom after a tough day and always pushing forward the limits
What keeps you pushing forward in skating? Firstly, the pleasure. Without pleasure there’s nothing we can do ! And also the goal I give to me for the year, and all the little steps I have to make to get to my goal at the end of the year.
What is your favorite place to skate? My favorite place to skate is my home track in Pibrac!! Specially cause it’s very technical and it changes a lot from vesmaco tracks where you have to push hard and keep close to the interior. But Heerde track is one of favorite track. I have a lot of memories in here.
What is your favorite trick? I like to move in the pack during elimination race, and hiding…
What advice would you like to give? Always trust in your capacities and the process.
Any hobbies outside of skating? I like a lot long summer bike ride with my boyfriend.
Do you have a life philosophy or phrase that inspires you? Make your project in silence, the success will take care about the noises.
Some more private questions:
What is your favorite food? My favorite food is caramel pork with noddles!
What is your favorite drink? I don’t drink a lot but let’s say it’s Mojito
What was your greatest success? For me it was during the European Championships 2021 in Canelas when I won my first senior title ever on the 1000m! Then I think it’s the bronze medal I won on the World Championships 2021 in Colombia, but I was so close to the gold that I’m half-satisfied (hungry for more)!
What is your favorite race? My favorite race of all time is the point race. But I like to skate the 1000m and the elimination race too.