Lisa Mary Authie
USD Am Team
Name: Authie Lisa-Mary
DOB: 14/02/1996
Nationality: French
Current location: Sète (south of France)
Bio: “Hi I’m Lisa-Mary I’m 25 years old, I started rollerblading at “Rollshool” club at 13 years old. I’m 4 times French champion and 2 times 4th at the World Roller Games! I’m skating with Usd skate for 7 years! ”
Current setups: Usd Aeon
Why USD: “Since I start rollerblading, it’s the first time I’ve found skates that fits me. They don’t hurt my feet and make me feel great. When I am doing some grind I really feel the copping under my foot.”
Favorite story: “We were going to Adrenaline Alley in England with Mery Munoz, Roman Abrate, Amandine Condroyer and Precy Verdier. I was going there because I want to learn new tricks. I was trying flats 360 and I was falling and falling and falling. I was so tired.. Roman was giving me advice and Mery was screaming to motivate me until I finally got it right. I think it’s one of my favorite moment because the moral of the story is beautiful. You can fall again and again if you get up every time you will always succeed.”