Piotrek Combrzyński
USD Allstar Team
Name: Piotrek Combrzyński
DOB: 27.05.1988
Nationality: Polish
Current Location: Warsaw / Poland
Bio: My adventure with USD skates started a long time ago but I came back to it with the first prototypes of AEON skates. Always wanted to skate flat setup but couldn't find a proper one... and BAM! From the first ride I felt in love with AEON skates!
Current or Favourite set up: USD AEON 60mm + Wicked ILQ9 Classic + Undercover Wheels Park: APEX 60mm/88a Street: Blank 59mm/90a (super bullet profile)
Favourite/Funny tour story: Went to Germany for the FlicFlac X-Mass show that ended up to be a 14m drop in mega ramp show - probably the illest thing I ever did on skates in my life! That feeling is just addictive.