Tomasz Przybylik
USD Am Team
Name: Tomasz Przybylik
DOB: 30/05/1993
Nationality: Polish
Current Location: Katowice, Poland
Bio: I'm just Rolling around the World and trying to enjoy most of it.
Current or favorite set up: Currently I ride Aeons 60 on flat and some custom Sways on Anti rocker setup but to be honest I love 'em both!
Why USD?: Because USD it's a Brand with big History and from the beginning of my journey I was a fan of guys like Aaron Feinberg, then the Kelso brothers and they were all skating USD, looking good, landing these crazy tricks so I had no choice... I decided that I want to take part in this history and yeah after some years of finding what's best for me and trying a lot of stuff I'm here. USD is helping me with my Blading journey and let's see how it goes in the future.
Favorite/Funny tour story: There are so many of these stories that I don't even know where to begin, basically if you haven't been there you miss it sorry ... but definitely China adventures are real, sometimes even too much ... haha ask me when you see me, for sure I will find one.